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中研院地球所研討會訊息 Frontier on Solid Earth Geochemical Research workshop at IES (20 Feb. 2025)

中央研究院地球科學所所長鍾孫霖院士特邀國際重量級岩石地化學者Julian Pearce與Akira Ishikawa兩位教授來台講學,並邀集國內相關岩石地化專家學者,特別於2025年2月20日於本所二樓演講廳舉辦一場Frontier on Solid Earth Geochemical Research固體地球化學前緣研究的學術研討會,歡迎有興趣者踴躍免費報名參加,詳細講題議程請參閱附件議程海報,並請於2月14日前用海報上的QR code掃描填表報名(當日亦接受現場報名參加)。
會議聯絡人:王國龍博士 ( )
Academician Sun-Lin Chung, Director of the Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica specially invited two prestigious geochemical scholars, Profs. Julian Pearce and Akira Ishikawa, to give lectures in Taiwan. He also invited domestic geochemical experts and scholars to propose an one-day workshop titled Frontier on Solid Earth Geochemical Research, which will be held in the lecture hall at the second floor of the Institute on February 20, 2025. You are all welcome to register for free to attend. Please refer to the attached agenda poster for the details, and please scan the QR code on the poster to register before February 14th (on-site registration is also accepted on the day).