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獎項 學生 單位 篇名
特優(博) 李芳儀 台大海研 Influence of décollements and surface processes on the development of fold-and-thrust belts
特優(碩) 蔡育廷 台大地質 由蓮花池孢粉分析重建台灣東部自晚更新世以來的氣候與環境變遷與新仙女木期之探討
特優(碩) 張閔瑄 中大地科 利用經驗格林函數法模擬台灣中大型地震波形
特優(碩) 陳博奎 成大地科 Trace element and Nd-Hf isotope constraints on the tectonic affinity of the basaltic glass from East Taiwan Ophiolite (ETO) fragments
優(不分組) 趙奕宣 陽明交大土木 Miscellaneous methods for measuring river water level in real-time: Testing and Challenges
優(不分組) 陳德輝
(Duc-Huy Tran)
中央應地所 Revealing Deep Displacement Mechanism induced by Seasonal Variations Beneath the Zone of Human Activity in Taiwan
優(不分組) Jordi Mahardika Puntu 中大地科 3D Geological Model Based on the Coalescing of Multi-Geoelectrical Data with Machine Learning Approaches to Evaluate the Groundwater Recharge Potential
優(不分組) 賴姿心 台大地質 Rapid Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using Newmark Analysis and Decision Tree Algorithm, and Its Web-based Display System
優(不分組) 謝佳佑 成大地科 蒙脫石礦物在不同化學元素基質條件下對於鍶元素的吸脫附行為及同位素分化之影響
優(不分組) 黃暄琇 台大地質 Characteristics of P-Wave Dispersion from Intermediate-Depth Events in Southern Ryukyu Subduction Zone Revealed by Formosa Array and 2D Seismic Wavefield Simulation
佳作(不分組) 方昱文 台大海研 Estimation of S-wave velocities of the shallow upper crust of the Okinawa Trough using P-wave polarization method
佳作(不分組) 潘啟平 中央應地所 利用耦合馬可夫鏈測定沉積物之水平側向延伸參數-以臺北盆地研究區為例
佳作(不分組) 程卉珊 台大地質 Multi-fault rupture database and its applications to Taiwan Earthquake Model (TEM)
佳作(不分組) 鄭雅方 台大海研 Temporal and spatial pattern of stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Beinan river system
佳作(不分組) 阮氏蘭芝
(Lan Chi Thi Nguyen)
中央應地所 Fold-thrust belt-related deformation bands in porous sandstone: A study on the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene Cholan sandstone downstream of Chichi weir, central Taiwan
佳作(不分組) 胡凱傑 台大海研 Seismic array constraints on the lowermost mantle velocity structures beneath the Pacific region
佳作(不分組) 芭丹
(Rashmi Battan)
中大地科院(TIGP) Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of Igneous Rocks from Choiseul and Santa Isabel, the Solomon Islands: Implications for the magmatic and tectonic evolution in the SW Pacific
佳作(不分組) 謝佳芸 台大地質 The Crosscutting Relationship Between the Central Range Fault and the Longitudinal Valley Fault Along the Northern Longitudinal Valley Suture, Eastern Taiwan
佳作(不分組) 陳季晴 台大地質 Controls of flat slab subduction: Insights from numerical modeling of thermo-mechanical behavior
佳作(不分組) 黃旻晟 師大地科 以中央氣象局結構物陣列分析結構物於強震時表徵