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The 23rd Pacific Science Congress徵稿


Pacific Science Association  將於2016年6月13日~17日在中央研究院舉辦「The 23rd Pacific Science Congress」。目前已開始徵稿,相關訊息如下,歡迎各位會員踴躍投稿參加!謝謝。



JUNE 13-17, 2016

Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 

Call for Symposium & Workshop Session Proposals

The 23rd Pacific Science Congress (PSC-23) will be held in Academia Sinica, Taiwan on June 13-17, 2016. The main theme of the PSC-23 is “Science, Technology, and Innovation: Building a Sustainable Future in Asia and the Pacific.”

The Organizing Committee of the 23rd Pacific Science Congress is announcing a Call for Symposium & Workshop Session Proposals for the Congress. If you would like to propose a session, please submit your proposal containing requested information to the PSC-23 website ( Please note the deadline for submitting proposals is scheduled for October 31, 2015.


Sub-Themes for Submission Include:

  1. Climate Change and Earth System Sciences
  2. Biodiversity and Natural Resources
  3. Food / Water / Energy
  4. Human Health
  5. Human Diversity and Inclusive Development
  6. Disaster Risk Reduction
  7. Science for Society: Building Green Societies
  8. Emerging Technologies

Plenary Speakers:

  • Dr. Takashi Gojobori speaks on “Biodiversity and Natural Resources” (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
  • Dr. Sandra Harding speaks on “Human Diversity and Inclusive Development” (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Mr. Lawrence Kent speaks on “Food / Water / Energy” (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
  • Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee speaks on “Science for Society: Building Green Societies” (Academia Sinica)
  • Dr. Gordon McBean speaks on “Disaster Risk Reduction” (International Council for Science, ICSU)
  • Dr. George Whitesides speaks on “Emerging Technologies” (Harvard University)
  • Dr. Chi-Huey Wong speaks on “Human Health” (Academia Sinica)
  • Dr. David Wratt QSO speaks on “Climate Change and Earth System Sciences” (Chief Scientist (Climate), National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, New Zealand)


Founded in 1920 and based in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Pacific Science Association (PSA) is a regional, non-governmental, scholarly organization that seeks to advance science and technology in support of sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.


Chi-Huey Wong

Chairman of the 23rd Pacific Science Congress

President of Academia Sinica


Contact Information:

The PSC-23 Website:

The PSC-23 Secretariat


Tel: +886-2-8751-3588

Fax: +886-2-8751-2799