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Miniworkshop: The nature of a dip-slip creeping fault: Why and where the Chihshang fault creeps
時間 :7/28 (二)
地點:師大分部 教學大樓 S101 
聯絡窗口:師大地科 陳卉瑄
Time Speaker Presentation title
09:15-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:00 Wen-Shan Chen
陳文山 (台大地質)
New insights into Holocene marine terrace development caused by seismic and aseismic faulting in the Coastal Range, eastern Taiwan (just published in Quaternary Science Reviews)
10:10-10:40 Jiang-Chen Lee
李建成 (中研院地球所)
Shallow creeping behavior: What have we learned from creepmeters on the Chihshang fault
10:50-11:20 Kate Huihsuan Chen
陳卉瑄 (師大地科)
Deep creeping behavior: What have we learned from repeating earthquakes on the Chihshang fault (just published in JGR)
11:30-12:00 Yaru Hsu
許雅儒 (中研院地球所)
Seasonal modulation of seismicity on the Longitudinal Valley Fault
Lunch Time
13:20-13:50 Wen-Jie Wu
吳文傑 (中央地科)
Frictional properties of the Chihshang fault from rotary shear experiments (just published in JGR)
14:00-14:30 Owen Huang
黃文正 (中央地科)
Characteristics of Chihshang fault at Tapo elementary school based on logging, inclinometer data and ERT
14:40-15:10 Chun-Yin Chiu
邱俊穎 (台大地質)
Surface deformation along the Longitudinal Valley using sentinel-1 PS-InSAR (2015-2020)
15:20-15:50 Alex Canitano
Seismic and aseismic interactions on the Chihshang fault
16:00-16:30 Wei Peng 彭葦
(師大地科, ISTerre)
Earthquake swarm activity along the Longitudinal Valley
16:30-17:00 TBD TBD