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International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts

International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts
June 23~26, 2019, Tainan, TAIWAN

Good day! 
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, you are cordially invited to the upcoming International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2019) at Tainan City, Taiwan, from June 23~26, 2019.  The conference will focus on the theme:

Challenges of Earth Observations: The New Horizon for Next Decade

We will be honored to have your participation at the conference, please kindly avail your participation by submitting the abstract at:  For more details of the conference, please go to:

Please use this occasion to share your scientific excellences and be a part of this esteemed conference.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


學會一年一度盛會-International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts 2019 (ICEO&SI 2019) 地球觀測暨社會衝擊國際研討會,已開放註冊報名及投稿!

International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO&SI 2019)   
Challenges of Earth Observations: The New Horizon for Next Decade  

會議舉辦時間: 2019/6/23-26
會議舉行地點: 國立成功大學 國際會議廳
摘要投稿截止日: 2019/04/15
早鳥優惠截止日: 2019/04/15
TGEO 個人會員、學生會員享有註冊優惠價
敬祝 平安順心
台灣地球觀測學會 敬上