中央研究院地球科學研究所與國立臺灣大學地質科學系將於11月6、7日假兩單位舉辦「亞洲造山與大陸演化-地質、地物與地化研究的新進展暨江博明院士紀念國際學術研討會」(Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution: New Advances from Geologic, Geophysical and Geochemical Perspectives--An international conference in memory of Prof. Bor-ming Jahn),會議邀請超過30位來自美國、英國、德國、澳洲、中國大陸、俄羅斯、日本、韓國和台灣等地國際知名的地質、地物和地化學者,包括毛河光院士、劉忠光教授、馬國鳳教授、郭本垣研究員、李正祥教授、李獻華教授、徐義剛所長、Profs. Simon Wilde, Mike Searle, Alfred Kröner, Julian Pearce, Eiji Ohtani, Doug Rumble等針對亞洲造⼭與大陸演化進行學術報告,並另有近50篇的壁報展示。詳細議程如所附
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the Second Circular of the international conference in memory of Prof. Bor-ming Jahn titled "Asian Orogeny and Continental Evolution: New Advances from Geologic, Geophysical and Geochemical Perspectives” to be held from 6 to 7 November 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan. You are warmly invited to attend to discuss and exchange scientific ideas, collaborative researches and the most recent progress regarding the Tethyan Orogen, Central Asian Orogen and tectonic evolution of SE Asia and the SW Pacific, and to memorize and pay tribute to respectful and beloved Prof. Bor-Ming Jahn, who suddenly left us late last year in 2016.
The conference has allocated more than 30 keynote and invited talks by prestigious geologists, geophysicists and geochemists worldwide including Academician Ho-Kwang Mao、Profs. Juhn Liu、Kuo-Fong Ma, Ban-Yuan Kuo, Zheng-Xiang Li、Xian-Hua Li、Yi-Gang Xu、Simon Wilde, Mike Searle, Alfred Kröner, Julian Pearce, Eiji Ohtani, Doug Rumble. There are another about 50 poster presentations (please see the attached Second Circular for the detailed program).
Please spread this 2nd Circular and pass the information to other geoscientist that might be interested.
Contact email:
jahnbm@earth.sinica.edu.tw or call Ms. Josie Lin at (02) 27839910 ext. 603
See you in Taipei!
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Sun-Lin Chung (Chair)
Yih-Min Wu (Co-Chair)
Kuo-Lung Wang (Secretary-General)
Li-Hung Lin (Co-Secretary-General)
Second Circular: